Mission Statement

"Go into yourself. Search for the reason that bids you write; find out whether it is spreading out its roots in the deepest places of your heart, acknowledge to yourself whether you would have to die if it were denied you to write."

Friday, August 3, 2012

Too Early for Politics

*Let me preface the following post by stating that I am not political in any sense. I don't follow candidates, talk about political issues, and in fact I usually see myself out of conversations the second they turn to political jargon. Talking about politics only leads to verbal confrontations and heated conversations if everyone truly speaks their minds. I think it's pointless. Yes, I am a registered Democrat but the last election I voted Independent, simply because I didn't think it fair that I vote for one of the mainstream candidates when I knew nothing of their platforms. That being said, this will be the one and only post I make about politics. This I promise.*

Earlier this week, I agreed to help my youngest sister out and drive my mom to work.

My mom is a nurse at Temple University and when the lovely Board of Directors at Temple decided their employees were no longer entitled to free parking in their parking garage, my dad (who also worked in North Philly) started driving my mom down to work everyday. It was either that, pay $10 a day to park, or risk parking on the street--which if you've ever been to North Philly, you know it's basically taking your life in your hands. It worked out great until my dad retired and took a few side jobs, which started in the early hours of the morning. My parents ended up making a deal with my youngest sister--whose car literally blew up in the parking lot of Franklin Mills (true story). She was allowed full access and rights to their car if she drove my mom down to work on the mornings my dad couldn't. Again, it's worked out great for both parties since my sister decided to take summer classes down at Temple.

On Thursday she ran into a bit of an issue and asked if I'd help her out. It was one of her friends birthday and she was planning on getting really "shit faced wasted," and consequently sleeping out on Wednesday night. She kind of figured she wouldn't be up to driving my mom to work and since I'm still unemployed (and could think of no other excuse not to), she asked if I would do it for her.

So I found myself groggily braving I-95 and joining Philadelphia commuters at 7am on Thursday.

It actually wasn't that bad. I'm definitely not a morning person and the most annoying thing to me when you are driving with someone at that hour is if they try having a conversation. There is nothing I hate more than someone trying to talk your ears off or just speaking loudly at that time of the day (which my Dad is majorly guilty of). Luckily, my mom is not a morning person either and the car ride was pretty silent--except for the occasional interjection of directions from my mom.

On these peaceful early morning rides, I tend to zone out quite a bit. There's something about driving that usually puts my mind at ease, and it's usually when I have my best "thinks". My best ideas are always thought up like this. And yes, I totally admit driving on the highway is not the ideal time to have your mind wander, but I don't think you can get a prescription for ridolin just for driving. Well Thursday morning was no different, and I was in the middle of a pretty epic "think" when something ahead grabbed my attention.

It was a huge billboard that I'm pretty sure must've just been put up--I do frequent 95 a bit. It was red and trimmed in blue with white stars. With our patriotic colors, I figured it had something to do with the Olympics. You know, "Go Team USA" or some shit. As I got closer, I was able to read the advertisement. It reads;

"President Obama Supports Gay Marriage and Abortion"

Then in smaller letters beneath it, it reads;

It was definitely a double-take, look over your shoulder make sure you're actually seeing this right, moment. I actually attempted to slow down and read it more carefully--I actually was tempted to pull over and snap a picture of it but if you've ever driven on 95 in the morning, you know it's a No-No. But no, I had not read it incorrectly.

This 7 word billboard--7 very blunt words--went right for the jugular. And not mixing emotions, this was an outright attack on President Obama. It's one of those stupid, political propaganda stunts meant to sway the masses of commuting Philadelphians to vote for Mitt Romney in the upcoming presidential election.

I get it, it's all part of the Election. The smearing campaigns, the millions spent on commercials and advertisements in our newspapers. Each camp will take turns digging in to the others past for anything they can use to vilify their opponent. It's all a popularity contest and we've only just seen the beginning of it. As we get closer to November, the American public will be nauseated by this nonsense.

Obviously I'm pretty used to campaign tactics like this, but I won't lie, seeing this billboard really angered me. Maybe due to the fact that I was half awake, but it also has to do with the message it relays to the public. The billboard was a complete and utter malicious low blow and it's only speaking half truths on both ends.

Gay Marriage is a hot item at the moment. Everyone has an opinion on it and President Obama has come under a lot of fire from conservative America when he recently stated his support of same-sex couples right to pursue marriage. It was a very bold statement to make and many applauded his bravery when he (in a sense) "came out." Personally, I think that President's choice to declare his opinion on the topic was completely contrived and was a well planned publicity stunt. Yes, I believe he does truly support his conviction and support of Gay Marriage, but I really would've respected him a bit more if he "came out" in a non-campaign year. Why did he wait 4 years to make this statement, when beforehand he was very mum on the topic?  Obviously it was to gain votes and support from wealthy liberals (particularly from Hollywood).

Regardless of timing, I don't think it's fair to attack him on his stance. I understand that conservatives and people who are religious are vehemently against same-sex marriage, but to tell you the truth it's time to evolve people. I understand that the bible thumpers look to what the bible states on the topic, but doesn't the bible also tell us to love each other unconditionally? That God does not judge his people and that we should treat others as we wish to be treated? That love is the purest form of Godliness of earth? I don't know....maybe I'm reading a different bible. Once conservative idiots get their heads out of their asses and realize that Gay Marriage is not a religious but a civil rights issue, then the world will truly be a righteous place. These couples only wish for the rights that heterosexuals garner--as in health benefits, life insurance and a normal family life. No one is asking the church to change its teaching--just let all human beings receive the same civil treatment. It's not going to go away just because a leader comes into office who says he will "illegalize same-sex marriage." And supporting same-sex marriage does not mean you are a bad person or unable to run a country.

Abortion is an even more controversial topic and another issue that Obama was attacked on via the billboard above 95. As it stated "President Obama Supports Abortion." Are you kidding me? Really? Who in their right mind would actually support abortion? And wording was the key with this. The billboard is pretty much publicizing that our President believes the act of expelling a pregnancy is a good thing. That women around the the world should line up around the block and use it as a form of birth control. Being a father, Barack Obama obviously does not support abortion BUT supports a woman's right to CHOOSE. There is a huge difference between the two. It's the difference between telling women, "Yes! Go get an abortion every single time you don't want to be pregnant," and saying "If this is the only way out, the option is there for you." Of using it carelessly as birth control and keeping the procedure safe and out of dark alleys.

Again, the issue of abortion comes down to a religious issue, which I totally get. God sends children down to earth and only he has the right to take away that life. Do I believe in abortions? No. Would I ever have one? Absolutely not. But I also understand why it needs to be legal--because women will go back to using coat hangers to expel pregnancies or traveling to other countries to have the procedure (where the surgery may not be as safe or monitored). Attacking Obama on this issue is absolutely demoralizing. Like many in our world, Obama sees that the issue of abortion is something he needs to put his own personal beliefs aside with and think about the safety of the people he governs. It's not something that should even be talked about with the election--and most refuse to even address it.

The billboard above 95 was obviously posted as a firecracker and meant to make a statement in support of one point of view--and try to sway the votes of the uneducated. It's an attempt to throw doubt on the integrity of our President and misrepresent his beliefs. It's just taking the campaign to a place it doesn't need to go--personal attacks that are really unwarranted. I have yet to see a billboard that states "Mitt Romney is a bigoted conservative who, if elected, will take the progress of the last 4 years back to a 1950 mentality," but maybe it's still in the works?

As you can see, this billboard REALLY pissed me off. And being angry over stupid nonsense at 7am is not an ideal circumstance. I'm really hoping that others feel the same way and the sign is quickly removed. Otherwise I'll find myself really angry on 95 quite a bit.

And who wants that?


  1. I saw the exact billboard you are talking about.

    Don't worry, I get my best ideas when I am driving, too.

    1. I saw it on the turnpike today too! They're multiplying!
