Mission Statement

"Go into yourself. Search for the reason that bids you write; find out whether it is spreading out its roots in the deepest places of your heart, acknowledge to yourself whether you would have to die if it were denied you to write."

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Run-around Gal?

Do I have the word WHORE tattooed on my forehead?



Do people perceive me a certain way because I have blonde hair?

Or let me pose another question; Is there no such thing as "Guy-code" with the opposite sex? I understand that the book "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus," revolutionized the opinion that men and women are very different entities with different outlooks on life, but there has to be some sort of overlap with certain conducts. Right?

Let me explain.

If you've been living under a rock, then you haven't heard about Hurricane Sandy that slammed into the Northeast this past week. The only hurricane in US history to make landfall in New Jersey in the last century, the entire east coast was demobilized for the almost three days. Most were trapped in their houses--or "hunkering down," a phrase that I literally cannot stomach after three days of constant news reports telling us all to do so--praying that their electricity wouldn't go out.
This was one of the more hilarious depictions of the storm

I was one of the lucky few in the Philadelphia region that did no lose power, but nonetheless cabin-fever set in Monday night while the worst of the storm hit. It was 9 o'clock, there was nothing on TV, my book was no longer entertaining, the wind was howling at scary volume and everyone in my house was getting ready for bed or was already asleep. I was bored out of my mind, and was about to succumb to sleep when I heard a familiar PING from my computer. Facebook users are familiar with this PING, as it indicates that someone is using Facebook chat and has just sent you a message. Usually this PING annoys the crap out of me because it goes off with every message you receive. Normally, I just ignore the PING and don't answer any messages, but being in a exceedingly bored mood, I decided to climb out of bed and see who else was dying of cabin-feveritis.

But now I wish I had stayed in bed.

The message I was alerted to was from a casual acquaintance of mine; for these purposes let's call him "John." The jist of the conversation--which lasted only a few minutes, thank god-- from him was this;

"Yeah I'm really bored. No one is here. Yeah we still have power. But this storm would be a lot better if I had a lady friend in bed next to me. You could come over if you want? If it isn't too awkward. Or we could get a drink."

This message is awkward for a great many reasons. The first being the most obvious; we were in the midst of a hurricane, the worst in recent history, and he was asking me to drive over to his place. To leave my house and brave the elements. Yes, that is as crazy as it sounds.

The second awkward part of this is twofold. Obviously his message had a hidden agenda. He wanted to hook-up. Like let's not mix-words or say it was innocent. I knew his intention the second he brought up "lady friend" and from past experiences with this kid, I know what he was sniffing at. But there's also another part to this awkwardness.

Over the summer, I was hanging out with this guy named "Pete" (again, I have changed his name). He was a blast from my past; he lived in my development and was basically one of my best friends when I was little. We went to grade school and everything together, but after I switched schools in 6th grade we lost touch. A year ago we started talking again, and things progressed a bit further than that. He was no longer living in my neighborhood but owns a condo about 20 minutes from me.

A condo that he shares with John.

Yes, the same John who is also his best friend and who I also went to grade school with.

The plot thickens.

When I went to the condo to hang out with Pete, John was usually there. So there were many times when he hung out with us. But I want to make it quite clear that there was no flirtation on my end--I spoke to him casually and cordially. Every now and again, he would Facebook chat me, and I'm not going to ignore the guy I'm dating's best friend. And I know it was very clear to John that I was seeing Pete and that's where my interest lay.

Now Pete told me some creepy stories about John; about how he met women on the internet, brought them back to the condo, banged them and then never talked to them again. He also told me some dick moves John has done to Pete in the past; like offering to pick Pete up from work a few nights and then never showed up or answer his calls. He wasn't an exact angel or really even a great friend to Pete. And it only got creepier when John started messaging me asking me to come over when Pete wasn't home and hitting on me.

It put me in a really, really awkward situation and I felt compelled to tell Pete. Which I did, but Pete seemed to laugh it off and even told me that I should hang out with him--which I didn't take as a joke but a complete insult. Sorry Pete, you are NOT my pimp.

Eventually, my relationship with Pete fizzled ( please see "My Rant on "Little Boys" Pretending to be "Grown Men") and we stopped talking. We're not on bad terms to my knowledge, but things just kinda stalled. Which also meant I haven't been receiving any messages from John in recent months--a good thing in my book.

Then this message comes out of nowhere, where he's basically propositioning me, with no thought at all to Pete. Actually that's no completely accurate. He did say "I understand if it's awkward for YOU because of your relationship with Pete." So now there's no excuse...he knew of my thing over the summer with his best friend but was still trying to get something out of me.

Am I the only one who sees something wrong with this? Like really! It really makes me question the morale of the male gender.

With females, we have a little thing called "Girl-Code." Here's a little reminder if you aren't familiar with its finer points;
The fourth is the rule I am referring to; DON'T DATE ANOTHER'S  EX. It's really an unspoken rule because it's something you just don't do. Like ever. This rule also involves the following;
  1. you cannot hook-up with a friend's ex
  2. lust after your friend's ex
  3. talk to your friend's ex
  4. or do any of the above behind your friend's back.
If you plan on doing any of this, you obviously have no respect for your girlfriend and deserve the flaming pile of girl drama that is sure to be flung your way.

Obviously I am not a guy--I have breasts and I don't have something hanging between my legs. But I only assume that the same thing applies for men. That guys go by the same dating rules as women do. That you just DON'T hit on someone your friend hooked -up with. It causes the same drama as it does with girls, only male drama involves violence and not talking about someone behind their back.

My situation is worse because John is not only Pete's best friend but tenant. Like that is low and John obviously has no consideration or afterthought for Pete--he's only thinking with that thing hanging between his legs. No matter how miniscule our relationship was, I was still someone in Pete's life for a time period. And me waltzing into the apartment he pays for to hang out with his best friend is not right in any form. Can you imagine if I had no self respect and actually took him up on this offer? If Pete was the one to open the door when I got there and I was like "Oh I'm here to see John," and walked by him.  It would be completely disrespectful and a total bitch move. No, sorry. It's NEVER going to happen buddy! No matter what I think of Pete and what happened to our relationship, I would never stoop so low and hurt him like that. And John obvious thinks very little of their friendship if he is even propositioning this. YOU DON'T DO THAT!

Really, the lowest of the low.

So I ask again;

Do I have WHORE tattooed on my forehead?

Because obviously this kid thinks I can just be passed from roommate to roommate. That I'm at their apartment's disposal and I'll just jump from bed to bed.

And if guys don't have a guy-code, they seriously need to adopt one. Because this is just ridiculous!


  1. John is a motherfucking idiot. The end! Love ya, bye.

  2. The whole "don't date your friend's ex" applies to guys too, but only true friends really adhere to it. But guys can be a little more understanding, I think, and actually be okay with their friend dating their ex (depending on the situation of course), but it is extremely important to ASK first.

    And no, you do not have WHORE written on your forehead. Take it as a compliment that he wanted to ride out the storm with you.

    Awesome picture of the girl who did have WHORE written on her leg, though :)

  3. I think I would've known how to handle the situation a bit better if I thought a conversation had taken place between them. But this guy actually asked me to do this before, while I was still dating his friend. I can't imagine he had his friend's blessing--or if he did, then I'm glad I'm no longer seeing his friend lol.

    I'd like to meet the woman with that tattoo!
