Mission Statement

"Go into yourself. Search for the reason that bids you write; find out whether it is spreading out its roots in the deepest places of your heart, acknowledge to yourself whether you would have to die if it were denied you to write."

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


If you are living on the East Coast, I'm fairly certain you know how I'm feeling at the moment. Cold, rundown, and overtly angry at Mother Nature for dumping the Winter of 2014 on us. Mother Nature you are a real bitch! I quite literally haven't worked a full week since December, am now obsessed with checking weather reports, and am going stir crazy from being inactive. I am BEYOND sick of winter and all its snow and crappy weather.

Now it seems we are due for a Nor'easter on Thursday (2/13), which reportedly will dump over a foot of snow in the Philadelphia area?

Really? Really? Seriously, just go away snow!!

I'm not going to go on and on with this, as it'll be a very boring post. But I thought I'd make a pleasant little list of all the things I am looking forward to once Spring graces us with her presence. Maybe this will help me feel better and make the snow freeze a little faster? Probably not, but here we go.

1. Driving with my windows open
          This may seem simple, but there is nothing better than a long drive with the windows down and the wind blowing through your hair. And Spring air is simply the best.

2. No coats
          Girls will understand this. It is a freaking BITCH to coordinate cute outfits with appropriate outer attire. The cutest outfits just don't look good with a big, burly but warm coat. Plus, logging that shit around after you take it off is an even bigger bitch.

3. No more Pot Holes
         This year has been significantly worse with pot holes, especially near my work. I literally have to drive pressed up against the wheel, full alert and looking for them. Because we all know that just one, huge pot hole will destroy your tires. And that's all I need right now.

4. Flowers all abloom
         Spring is undeniably my favorite season just for the foliage. I live and die for watching landscapes open up with colors and pretty fragrances. I can't wait to have a beautiful arrangement of fresh picked flowers in my room--which I know I can do now, with flowers from the grocery store, but it just isn't the same.

5. Outdoor activities
          Probably the worst part about winter is being home bound for the majority of it. At times in the last 2 months it has literally been hazardous to leave your house and drive anywhere. Spring is all about the thaw out and the first thing I like to do is go on adventures to new places. Walk around in downtown Philly, take long drives to places you've never been, try new things. Literally cannot wait to travel and experience new things.

6. Baseball
        Baseball is my favorite sport to watch and even though the Phightin' Phils aren't the best, I can't wait to see my red and white boys take the field. And there's nothing better than watching a game from Citizen's Bank Field.

7. Back porch beers
       My dad needs very little excuse to "open up the backyard for the season." As soon as it is warm enough to do so, he sets up the lawn chairs, installs the twinkling lights that border our fence, and pops open our bar umbrella. Beers on our back patio are a constant fixture on Friday nights. And I am very much looking forward to it.

8. Longer Sunlit Days
       Driving home in semi-darkness is never fun. So I can't wait for Daylight Savings Time to start. It usually means the coming of warmer weather and eventually, summer days.

9. Spring Rains
      I know it sounds funny, especially with all the weather we are having that involves precipitation, but I love Spring Rains. The smell of it. The feel of it. I love going for runs right before a cloud burst, just on the off chance that I may get caught in a downpour. Nothing better.

10. Dresses
     My closest is bursting with cute spring dresses. I literally have no more room, but I recently bought 3 more just anticipating the warmer weather. I love the feeling of a dress, and there is nothing more feminine. It's also the easiest thing to wear, especially to work. I keep hoping the weather will get slightly warmer so I can wear at least one sometime soon. But I guess I'll have to wait...

This list is already making me feel slightly better.

But at the same time, it is making me more pissed at the coming forecast. I seriously, seriously HOPE this is the last of the winter blast for 2014. I can't handle another snow day of boredom. I WANT SUNSHINE AND WARMTH!

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