Mission Statement

"Go into yourself. Search for the reason that bids you write; find out whether it is spreading out its roots in the deepest places of your heart, acknowledge to yourself whether you would have to die if it were denied you to write."

Saturday, January 19, 2013


I feel like I need to apologize.

I've been neglecting you quite a bit the last few months.

Yes, I've been blogging and adding entries but I'll admit my recent posts have been.....lack luster. And I am truly, truly sorry! I've had a lot on my mind......

Because my FIRST book has gone to print!

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO exciting for me!!! This book has been a labor of love for the last 5 years and finally it is ready for people to purchase!

So I hope you accept my apology blogger-verse....
And buy a copy!




  1. Congratulations on the book! I read about it on Youngman Brown's blog. That is indeed exciting! And it sounds like a really good story. Also, I love the cover (yes, I do a judge a book that way :)

  2. Why Thank you! And Welcome to my little corner of the universe!

    I am very excited about it and hope people buy/read it! I truly think I was born to write his story :)

  3. Found you through Youngman Brown. Just wanted to stop by and give a HUGE congratulations on your accomplishment. I hope it's a big success.
