Mission Statement

"Go into yourself. Search for the reason that bids you write; find out whether it is spreading out its roots in the deepest places of your heart, acknowledge to yourself whether you would have to die if it were denied you to write."

Monday, January 30, 2012

Open Apology

Dear Stomach;

Hi. How are you? Good I hope.........

Okay, this is an awkward beginning to a letter, but this is sort of an awkward letter to write. I know we are pretty close--have been for 25 years. I tend to believe we have molded a pretty solid relationship and will go on growing as the years continue. But with this, I know I have put you through quite a bit. Okay, that's an understatement. I have put you through A LOT. In a situation like this, I don't know how else to express myself and I'd really like to avoid another drawn out argument--we both know the last one was brutal. I figured writing a letter would be the best alternative as it will allow me to get all my feelings out at once. I know you're going to have a lot to say but please, just read this all the way through with an open mind.

Okay, here goes.

I am sorry.

For everything.

You've been angry with me lately and I honestly can't blame you. I have been fucking you over a lot and have only been thinking of myself. It's totally and utterly selfish and I realize that. And you have graciously forgiven me on numerous occasions--yes, I realize this happens WAY too frequently. Thursday night was just a bit out of control I suspect and I'd at least like to give a short explanation.

So Thursday was one of my monthly Girlfriend Dinners. You know, once a month I get together with my friends from high school, pick a restaurant and catch-up for a few hours. It's really a lovely time and usually you really enjoy it. Well, our monthly dinner fell during Restaurant Week in Philly, which we never miss. And since we each take turns picking a restaurant and we've tackled the majority of traditional cuisines, I suggested picking a Chinese/Japanese restaurant so we could get sushi. You know how much I love seafood and sushi.

So really what was the harm in my suggestion? You've seemed to always agreed with it in the past--and trust me if you had I wouldn't be eating it again.

Surprisingly, I got to the restaurant early and found two of my friends there as well. We decided to indulge in a pre-dinner drink just to take the edge off from the day. I figured a glass of wine would suit me fine. I gulped down my Riesling like water, only then remembering I hadn't eaten since 8 o'clock that morning. I'M SORRY!

Needless to say, I was drunk by the time my 4 other friends showed up.

Then, for some reason I thought it'd be a great idea to order yet another glass before our food arrived. And there was nothing on the table to gnosh on while we waited. So I definitely didn't help the situation.

Now, back to the sushi.

With the Restaurant Week menu, it was four courses-- you picked from four options from each, the last being dessert. The majority of the menu consisted of raw fish or sashimi. You know I love raw fish and I've had sashimi before--absolutely no issue last Valentines Day, remember? Well, as I said the majority of the choices consisted of sashimi in some form. So I loaded up. "Bring on the fish," I thought. Yellowtail, tuna, salmon, and that other fish that I can't say. And being drunk, I gobbled down every last bit. Seriously, three courses worth. I'll admit it was a hell-of-a-lot of fish. My one friend actually started singing songs from "The Little Mermaid," which I found pretty funny at the time.

Being drunk I guess I just couldn't stop and yeah, it was all pretty delicious. And true, my "STOP EATING! THIS SHIT IS RAW" alarm never went off in my head--I guess alcohol must silence those internal alarms. I polished off the majority of my California rolls and sashimi before I finally felt semi-full. Then the fried ice-cream was served. THE BANE OF MY EXISTENCE will now and always be ice-cream. Even though I was full, I scarfed it down.YOU KNOW HOW I AM!!

I honestly thought I was okay. I got through the meal, made it home, showered and was in bed by 11. I just figured you welcomed the multitude of food and enjoyed it as much as I had. Usually you do! So really, it's not my fault because everything seemed normal.

Obviously, I was wrong.

I couldn't get comfortable in bed. I couldn't lay on my stomach, on my side, on my back. Nowhere! A sharp stinging pain started to rise but I figured you were just full. And maybe I just needed to wait it out or maybe burp. Very quickly, I realized I was wrong. I bolted up right and ran to the bathroom. From 11pm until 4am, I was a devoted worshiper of the porcelain throne, as my dad likes to say. You showed me just how much you disliked my eating habits. In fact during that 5 hour time frame, you LOATHED me. Everything in me, every single morsel I ate was thrown-up into my toilet. Absolutely nothing could quiet you. And deep down I guess I knew I deserved it. So I let you have your way with me until exhaustion hit.

I guess my latest stint of food poisoning has made me realize a lot. And you sure made me pay for taking advantage of you once again. So I guess I'm just writing this to further my apology and possibly apologize for all the future occurrences. I will try and take it easy on the following foods;
      1. Buffalo wings/ anything with Hot Sauce
      2. Certain pastas
      3. Anything from Cheesecake Factory
      4. Diet Coke
      5. Onion Rings
      6. Hot Fries
      7. Greasy Fried Foods
      8. Beer

I can't promise I won't continue to indulge. That's just too difficult.

From here on out, I don't mean to hurt you, but sometimes I just have to.

                                            Love Always,

PS- I'll be making that doctor appointment soon. I promise. Stop nagging!


  1. Sometimes, you just have to pay homage to the porcelain throne.

    But please, never "take it easy" on beer.

  2. hahah I shall try Youngman Brown :)
