Mission Statement

"Go into yourself. Search for the reason that bids you write; find out whether it is spreading out its roots in the deepest places of your heart, acknowledge to yourself whether you would have to die if it were denied you to write."

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Zumba-ing out of " Human Hibernation"

Lately, I've been feeling a little wiggly in certain places and lazy as hell. Energy is down, it's cold out (well every few days it's cold) and there isn't much to do but sit inside with a big bowl of ice cream and watch TV. Usually this is what happens in winter to most--it's sort of like human hibernation, except we all just wish we could sleep for 3 months straight and start our lives up again come spring. Sometimes I truly envy bears and all the other forest creatures who can just sleep through the winter.

Seriously I think it's something our world should consider. Wars could be abated with just a good long nap--hello, aren't most dictators and governments just cranky old men to begin with? It could be the way to World Peace! Maybe?

But lately I've just been stir crazy and wanting to try new things. I've been DYING to get out and be active--to at least go running outside or something. And, bathing suit season, which is the one time of year all women dread, is pressing down on us all. I've been avoiding that side of the department stores for a few months now, not even wanting to think about putting on a bikini. I'm not full of myself or fishing for complements in saying I want to be bathing suit ready because I know I am skinny and the size most women would like to be. But for me, I'd like to be in better shape and kick this lazy streak I've been going through.

So I've been asking myself lately, "Penny, just what is there to do when it's occasionally cold out and running on a tread mill just isn't doing it anymore?"

I had a few ideas.


My one best friend has become a sort of virtuoso with riding and she seems to truly enjoy it. I've also been told that it's very addicting and the adrenaline can be like a drug. It seemed like a perfect fit for me. I've always loved bike riding. My childhood was completely consumed with riding for hours and hours up and down the streets of my neighborhood. It was the freedom of transportation that I wouldn't experience again until I turned 22 and learned to drive (Yes, I did not get my license til I was 22. Stop laughing now, please. Thank you). Here's the problem--my dad gave my bike to a little girl who lives by his work 5 years ago for Christmas when her parents were unable to give any gifts. Besides that, I don't think my bike was exactly cycling appropriate. My friend suggested I look into local gyms for cycling classes.

Did I mention how lazy I've been lately?

So that was out and back to the drawing board.

Rock Climbing.

That same friend has also been getting into rock climbing and she seems to have a blast whenever she goes. And she also said I have a perfect body type for it--my hands and feet are teeny so apparently they are perfect for fitting into little ridges and holes. Here's the problem--where the heck do you rock climb in Philadelphia? They aren't exactly boulders on every corner. The solution again was joining a gym that offered it. There's also one more tiny issue that I probably forgot to mention. I am TERRIFIED of heights. Beyond terrified. I can't go on Ferris wheels, roller coasters, or even glass elevators.

So that was out too.

I had no clue where to go next and my entire "Get Fit or Die," strategy seemed to be going to hell. Very frustrating, let me tell you.

But last week I had a revelation.


Yes Zumba. The latest workout craze that has swept the nation. Wii and other gaming systems have interactive games for it, I watched a thousand people doing it on the Today show, and almost every fitness show raves about how much fun it is . A few of my friends have taken classes and loved it. So last week when my friend Meghan mentioned that her gym was offering classes, I pretty much  invited myself to join her for the first class.

We showed up to her gym (ironically called "The Gym") 5 minutes before the class started. But apparently we were late because the class was already in full swing. There was no time for either of us to feel awkward, we literally stripped off our coats and jumped in line with the already full class. Naturally  I still felt awkward, it being my first time and not wanting to look like a complete ass in front of perfect strangers. But, that stress was unwarranted--everyone seemed to only be looking at the instructor for the next moves.

Let me tell you, there was no warmup and no beginners moves. Really, there was no instructions. Just watch the instructor and do what she did. You just start and keep going. The steps were mostly in 8 counts, with about 4 sets that were repeated with hand moves to match until the song ended. It's very fast paced and if you weren't watching the instructor--who by the way was a hilarious Hispanic woman who spoke in a mixture of Spanish and English and sang along with the songs--you'd miss the change of steps and end up scrambling to catch up. The music and steps were all latin and salsa based.

Can I tell you I have never shook my ass so much in a one hour period. Trust me, I can get down and dirty and "drop it like it's hot". I have that ghetto-booty that most women would kill for (which I actually hate) but this booty-shaking was much different. It was paced and timed to the music. It was literally shaking and shaking every muscle in your ass. I definitely felt the burn in muscles I did not know existed.

 Yeah, it's kinda like this but more intense. And minus the bathing suits.

Song after song played and an hour seemed to pass in 10 minutes. A short ab workout completed the session (which was different as well) and everyone started filing out. Huffing and puffing, my friend and I walked over  to our stuff and started hydrating and preparing for the cold that awaited us outside. My friend turned to me and said, "That was awesome. We're coming again next week right?"

Between gulps of water I answered, "Um yeah!"

So I am hooked. Totally loved every minute of it. For all of you nay-sayers out there thinking "Oh it's just dancing. It's not a workout," I have this to say. Let me tell you honey, I have not sweated that much in months. And the BO seeping out of that room after we left was proof enough for me.

Try it blogosphere! And tell em Penny sent ya!

1 comment:

  1. Hmm maybe I'll shake it with the ladies before I quit my gym.
