Mission Statement

"Go into yourself. Search for the reason that bids you write; find out whether it is spreading out its roots in the deepest places of your heart, acknowledge to yourself whether you would have to die if it were denied you to write."

Thursday, April 10, 2014

UPDATE: " You're An Idiot. He's Using You."

So if you read my last blog post concerning my sister's resurrected relationship, you'll know that I wasn't too happy that she was giving that scumbag a second chance. And I was grappling with telling my sister the truth about it. In the end,  I spoke my peace to her, presented some pretty damning evidence of his "dick-ery". She kind of shut me out after that. I really haven't heard from her after I let the Tinder bomb drop. Which I attributed to her being mad at me because I was ruining her happiness, or some bull shit like that. I let this whole thing drop and decided to let her deal with her own life--I have enough stress in my own to worry about.

Meanwhile, I had a pretty lengthy conversation with my youngest sister about the situation. Initially, I hadn't because I was asked not to "gossip" about the situation, because my sister didn't want my parents getting wind of it--and rightly so. But after "Tinder-gate" I had to talk to someone. My youngest sister Liz is incredibly close with my other sister, and consequently was extremely close with the scumbag. She hung out with the two of them pretty consistently, and she had a friendship with him outside of their relationship. So I wasn't too sure about how she felt about them reconciling. I wasn't sure if she was happy for her.

Well she wasn't.


She basically reiterated everything I said and agreed with the common thought, "YOU'RE AN IDIOT. HE'S USING YOU". She was actually really mad at her about it, saying "Of course her friends are going to stand by her decision because they didn't see what we saw those few weeks. They didn't see her on a daily basis and the mess she was. We were the ones who had to deal with the aftermath, not him." She also went as far as to say that that relationship was the most unhealthy one she had ever been in--which is A LOT to say because her last boyfriend had some mental problems that surfaced and exploded during their relationship. She said that our sister had been trying to butter her up with "Oh he keeps asking about you and wants to hang out." Well she wanted none of that and actually wanted him to go far away forever.

Obviously, this made me feel ten times better.

The issue has died down a bit, but I still haven't really talked to my sister. Which I did find odd. I at least talked to her once or twice a week.

Now I know why. Last night my youngest sister told me that the scumbag was history...at least for now.

I guess when Tinder-gate was revealed, my sister had a sit down chat with the scumbag and aired everything out. Now, I'm not completely sure what was said and how it all went down, but basically he said he still wanted to work on things with my sister and see where it went, BUT he was unwilling to be exclusive or take down his profile. That he still wanted to "see what else was out there".


He yet again, proved his dick-ery. Luckily, or so I'm told, she dropped him right there. They are no longer speaking and she has no intention of rekindling any flame with him. At least for now.

Apparently this happened almost immediately after I initially told her, which was a few weeks ago. So I'm kind of assuming it's one of those "tail between her legs" scenarios--she definitely does not like admitting she was wrong, ESPECIALLY to me. She'd rather act like it never happened to be honest.

But THANK GOD I had the balls to say something to her. If I hadn't, she'd still be dating the creep and potentially get an STD from whoever else he was sleeping with--and trust me, he is. It sucked having to burst that bubble for her, but it situations like these you have to put your feeling aside and just be honest. No, I did not want or relish in hurting my sister (which I know she was) but I was trying to protect her further heartbreak. I know I did the right thing.

And I love being right :)

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